Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lily Allen- It's not me, its you

Date: 1st July
Tile: It’s Not Me, It's You
Creator: Produced by Greg Kurstin
Cultural perspective: English

This static image is an album cover for Lily Allen's CD "It's Not Me, It's You". It features a picture of Lily lying on a massive black and pink L, obviously standing for the first initial of her name. She is wearing a nice dress, looking feminine, classy and pretty in pink and smiling sweetly but the black veil contradicts it because it is an article of clothing fit for mourning. I think it links with her song lyrics "I don't know how am meant to feel anymore" showing she is confused with what society wants from her, receiving many mixed messages from society and the media. It Also links to the name of the album, "It's Not Me, It's You" suggests that she is not the problem, it’s how others perceive or judge her.

This album cover was obviously made to advertise Lily Allen and her music. The picture is quite eye catching with the large L placed in the centre, taking up quite a lot of space and the pink of Lily's dress next to it makes her stand out also. The use of the colours pink and black link back to what I said in the first paragraph about contradiction. I think the Pink symbolises Lily's fun, girlie, happy, party-girl image and Black is significant of the bad things people have said about her like being a drunken, rude and inappropriate loudmouth and stuff. To me, this shows Lily is not sure about how people see her, though I think she knows who she is and is simply letting people decide for themselves, which I like. I think if someone saw this CD in a music store, the image would attract their attention and it may stimulate curiosity, I know it would for me. Also, in my opinion, any Lily Allen fans would definitely check it out because it is something different from her, the cover is more grown up and mature compared to some of her earlier work.

Based on the overall feminine look of this album cover, I would say the target audience would mainly be females form the ages of about 16 to 40 because this is round about the age group that Lily's music is more suited to because of some of the sexual references in some of her songs on this album.

I think this album cover would definitely help the sales of the CD because I think it would appeal to the target audience with the title being the opposite of the clichéd phrase commonly used in break ups "It's not you, it's me", it would spark curiosity and intrigue. People would want to know more because in the sensitive situation of a break up, even though someone may be thinking that it is the other person’s fault, they use the excuse of having their own personal problems to get an easy way out and instead of hurting the person’s feelings. I think people would definitely be interested in this CD because I sure am, being a big Lily Allen fan myself.

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